Choose Norfolk at Christmastime!
It’s the festive season and where would you most like to be living right now? Well, Norfolk locations seem to regularly top the British charts when it comes to favourite places to live and shop at this time of year. This year, London’s Metro publication listed Norwich as one of its top shopping destinations for […]
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As another very unusual year draws to a close, we would like to wish all our landlords and tenants, their families and friends, and everyone we have worked with a very Happy Christmas! The pandemic has resulted in a great deal of change for those working in the lettings industry and the past 12 months […]
The festive season is on its way
But we still have no idea quite what it will look like! What we can say, however, is that, if you move quickly, there is still time to let or rent before Christmas. There is no escaping the fact that 2020 has been an unimaginable year and many of us will be pleased to wave […]