As another very unusual year draws to a close, we would like to wish all our landlords and tenants, their families and friends, and everyone we have worked with a very Happy Christmas!
The pandemic has resulted in a great deal of change for those working in the lettings industry and the past 12 months have certainly been unusual.
Covid has seen movements of people from the big urban hubs out to smaller cities, such as Norwich, as well as to desirable country and coastal locations, including Norfolk.
Lack of supply has meant there has been continued high demand for rental homes and we have had little issue with finding suitable tenants for existing landlords, as well as those who have been letting properties for the first time.
As a company we have adapted to the changing requirements of the pandemic and our aim has always been – and will remain – keeping our landlords, tenants and staff safe at all times.
But, regardless of the ups and downs, we have always been there on the end of the phone or email when needed as we understand the importance of responding quickly.
Those interested in letting a property or finding a new home in 2022 are very welcome to contact us in the new year and we can talk about the options.
For prospective landlords, we can discuss the very flexible and bespoke services we offer, as well as potential income yields and property requirements.
Our team is highly experienced and can take the weight off your shoulders when it comes to the intricacies of legislation and processes.
As a small, independent agency, we are able to be hands-on, responsive and versatile in our approach so please do get in touch.
In the meantime, we would like to wish you and your families all the best for 2022.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
From Norfolk Property Management and Lettings