Wander through the city centre at the moment and you would be forgiven for thinking Christmas had already arrived.
As usual, shops and businesses have taken the earliest opportunity to get excited about the festive season in a bid to encourage us to start spending sooner.
There are, however, still three and a half weeks left until Christmas so if you haven’t done your shopping yet there is really no need to panic!
And if you haven’t found your ideal rental home yet and are still hoping to be in by December 25 you may also find there is enough time.
If prospective tenants contact us within the next few days and have their proof of employment, identification and other documentation required readily available – and if their referees can move quickly – there is no reason why they could not be in their new home within two to three weeks.
Likewise, if a landlord has a property that is ready to let, and they make contact within the next few days, we might be able to find them a tenant before Christmas.
The beauty of an agency such as ours is that we can be fast and flexible without compromising the quality of our service and the integrity of our business.
We never promise anything, but we will always do whatever we can for you.
Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, give us a call to discuss your requirements and we will let you know if – and how – we can help you.
Hopefully we will be able to do our best to ensure everyone has a very happy Christmas.