Many landlords choose to manage their own properties but others opt to work through a letting agent.
At Norfolk Property Management and Lettings, we have developed strong relationships with our landlords over the decades and these are the reasons they give us for working with us:
We create bespoke packages for our landlords, taking on as much or as little of the property management as they wish us to – we can oversee absolutely everything for them, or just take on the tasks they don’t want to do themselves.
Removing the stress
From finding suitable tenants to looking after the property and collecting rent, managing property can be a stressful business. Using a local, reputable letting agent removes the stress and enables the landlord to focus on other areas of his or her life.
Keeping up to date
The ever-changing laws, requirements and responbilities of a landlord can be a minefield. A good agent will keep up to date with these and ensure their landlords are aware of their reponsibilities and their properties conform to regulations.
Acting as an intermediary
A good letting agent looks after the interests of both the tenants and the landlord. They can act as an intermediary when required and often diffuse difficult situations.
Find the right tenants
Experienced agents know just how to find, select and vet the right tenants for your property. This can be a lengthy process but they know how to carry out the relevant checks to ensure your property is safe and you will receive the rent on time.
Checking on your property
The agent is there to help look after your property. They can carry out inspections and inventories and take photographs before and after a tenant moves in. If maintenance is required, this is also something you can ask them to oversee.
Maintenance and repairs
A good local agent will have a team of experienced tradespeople to call on when maintenance or repair work is required. They will be able to act quickly and ensure costs are fair.
To find out more about the service we offer landlords contact us.