The government is today issuing a new version of the online How to Rent Guide.
Landlords and agents are obliged to provide the latest version of this guide to tenants at the start of any new tenancy or at the point of any tenancy renewal (for a statutory periodic tenancy).
The new guide has been updated by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to reflect some recent legal changes.
These include the requirement for carbon monoxide alarms to be fitted in every room with a fixed fuel burning appliance.
It also contains information on fitting smart meters and there is a section in the guide on ensuring the property is suitable if you have a disability.
The guide is for tenants and landlords in the private rented sector (PRS) to help them understand their rights and responsibilities.
It provides a checklist and more detailed information on each stage of the process.
This includes what to look out for before renting, living in a rented home, what happens at the end of a tenancy and what to do if things go wrong.
Landlords have been required to provide the latest version of the guide to their tenants for the past eight years.